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(For the time being, this programme is still provisional)
Wednesday, 27 October 2010
- 16:00 - 19:00 Guided tour of the Citadelle of Namur
- 19:30 - 22:00 Informal dinner at the Arsenal, Namur
Thursday, 28 October 2010
- 09:00 - 09:30 Registration at Namur Expo
- 09:30 - 10:00 Opening session 1
- Mr Benoît Lutgen, Walloon Minister for Public Works, Agriculture, Rural Affairs, Nature, Forests and Heritage
- Mrs Sabine Laruelle, Federal Minister of SMEs, the Self-employed, Agriculture, and Science Policy
- Mr Claude Delbeuck, Director general, Paying Agency of Wallonia, Belgium
- 10:00 - 11:00 Plenary session 2
- 11:00 - 11:30 Coffee break
- 11:30 - 13:00 Plenary session 3
- Conclusions from the 27th Conference of directors in Oviedo, Mr Fernando Miranda, Director of Fega, Spain
- Conclusions from the 37th Panta Rhei Conference in Porto, Portugal and from the 38th Conference in Ghent, Belgium, Mrs Christina Huhtasaari, Secretariat of Panta Rhei
- Belgian organization and introducing to Workshop 1 : 'Financial systems used by the Paying Agencies', Mrs Mélanie Lepage, Paying Agency of Wallonia, Belgium
- Contribution to workshop 1, Mr Owen Jones, Head of Unit I.4 : Financial management of the EAGF, European Commission
- Introducing to Workshop 2 : 'Control burden for the Paying Agencies', Mrs Catherine Lecocq, Expert Audit, B.I.R.B, Belgium
- 13:00 - 14:30 Family Photo and lunch
- 14:30 - 16:00 Workshops
- 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee break
- 16:30 - 17:30 Plenary session 4
- Minimum requirements for receiving direct payments, Mr Andreas Lillig, European Commission, DG Agriculture and Rural Development, Unit D.1 - Direct Support
- BE : Minimum requirements for receiving direct payments – complements, Mr Charles Langhendries, Director, Paying Agency of Wallonia, Belgium
- Monitoring tools useful for the DAS, Mr Bernard Hennuy, Director general, B.I.R.B, Belgium
- 20:00 - 20:30 Departure from the hotels to 'le Château de Franc-Waret'
- 20:30 - 23:00 Gala Dinner
- 23:00 - 23:30 Back to the hotels
Friday, 29 October 2010
- 09:00 - 10:00 Plenary session 5
- 10:00 - 10:30 Break
- 10:30 - 12:00 Plenary session 6
- Use of the reference blocks as basis for the payment : Cases from
- Capabilities of a physical block type of RP applied to agriculture and environment – Mrs Béatrice Leteinturier and Mrs Aberdeen Renkin, Paying Agency of Wallonia, Belgium
- 12:00 - 12:15 Next meeting announcement : Mr Péter Palkovics, President, Agricultural and Rural Development Agency, Hungary
- 12:15 - 12:30 Closing remarks
- 12:30 Informal lunch