Financial Systems used by the Paying Agencies
The first workshop organized during the 28th Conference of Directors of the Paying Agencies (PA) is focused on the financial systems used by the PA.
The answers provided through the questionnaire and the results of the workshop will allow a better knowledge of the financial systems used by the EU Paying Agencies.
"Explanation file WS1 Financial systems used by the paying agencies"
"Questionnaire file WS1 Financial systems used by the Paying Agencies"
Workshop "Control burden for the Paying Agencies " by the BIRB
The Paying Agencies (PA) have to meet numerous control obligations, both internal and external, which are imposed by both European and national regulations.
These obligations, either obligatory or voluntary, vary depending on whether or not tasks are delegated, whether or not there is an authority responsible for coordinating the PA on a national level, the number of cases dealt with and the amount of money involved.
It has been proposed to quantify the impact of these checks on PA human resources (and not in terms of financial resources) by measuring the number of days/civil servants dedicated to controls (customs not included) in all its forms.
The answers will allow to draft a statistic on this subject and to organise the workshop at the 28th conference of directors of the PA. The results of this workshop will be used to draft recommendations for the Commission on subjects of simplification, coordination, etc of the PA controls.
"Explanation file WS2 Control burden for the Paying Agencies"
"Explanation file II WS2 Control burden for the Paying Agencies"
"Questionnaire file WS2 Control burden for the Paying Agencies"